Acute pain in the lumbar region, in the context of degenerative disc disease of the spine is a common problem faced by majority of people. Having been in the "prize" for our bipedalism (due to the increase of the axial load on the vertebral column, is an illness that, sooner or later, it reaches every person on the planet, the question is, is the speed with which this happens, and how it is expressed in the symptoms. The "dismal" statistics is to rely this is the pathology of socio-significant diseases, and the fight with it should be a task not just for the individual who is suffering from the symptoms of the disease, but also on the world-wide system of health care in general. Therefore, the question of the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the spine – the theme is very much present.
So, what is the osteocondrose? Let's see how soon it occurs in the course of the disease. In the title, if you bring it with you, literally, have identified the structure, which is likely to change when the osteocondrose: the bone and cartilage. For the purposes of the depreciation and of the resistance to the vertical loads, the nature is placed in between our vertebrae, with peculiar fibrous-cartilaginous skeleton of the "rest" — the intervertebral disks. The baby is held at the early childhood through the blood-vessels, which were lost about 25 years of age, and the power supply starts to be performed to diffuse at the expense of other muscles.
When the disease from heavy loads to the spine (sedentary work, or vice – versa - too much physical activity), violations of the mineral metabolism intervertebral disc loses its elastic fibers and a shock-absorbing transport and other properties of reduced height, changes in the structure of the vertebra, appear in pathological bone expansion bone spurs, and zamechatelnye mbc), have stopped to study at the university in the affected department and from the spinal cord. In the later stages of the disease, that is, the central portion of the intervertebral disc, so-called soft-core, ain fibrosoe o-ring, to form a kind of a saccular protrusion between the bodies of vertebrae — intervertebral hernia. The herniation can cause compression with the vertebrae, the nerve roots, is extreme pain in the compression zone as well as on the adjustable, the work of the nerve that is affected. Due to the constant irritation of a nerve plexus that occurs from the reflection of a skeletal muscle, the medicine, that is called a defence, which, on the one hand protects them from the suffering of the department to the spinal column of the movement, and, on the other hand, reinforces the efforts of the compression, swelling and pain in the affected area.
In the majority of cases (90%), the pain that is caused when the osteocondrose (highly pronounced) is conducted by the body-in muscle, by tightening! In other cases, the reason for the pain is the compression of a nerve root or the spinal cord, directly to the herniated disc.
Osteocondrose of the lumbar spine: such as explaining and talking points
Out of all the departments of the spinal column, and that every man has his fifth cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal), due to the much higher power loads, more frequently, from the manifestations of the disease suffers to back. Osteocondrose of the lumbar spine has a brilliant, family-friendly, all of the symptoms, and the treatment, is a significant social challenge, and because it diminishes the quality of life of older people, but active people of working age.

The pain can be located directly in the region of the lumbar spine, and the front of the thigh, or the back, or on the surface of the outside of the foot and sometimes the toes, of the foot. Many times the pain of giving up the buttock area, the sacrum, the groin area, and sometimes it can be located on only those areas, he was hiding under the diseases of genito-urinary sphere, and in the intestine and impairing the production of a correct diagnosis. The intensity of the pain threshold of the disorder may be so high that the individual loses the ability to perform the most basic movements, and adopts the attitudes forced, and you lose your normal sleep. This is the sciatic, which, in the broad circles of the time, has become synonymous with a disease, in and of itself.
The limitation of the special olympics motor activity training. They are to be violated, and the ordinary motion and sensation in the extremities, occur in muscle twitches, paresthesia (sensation of "pins and needles", burning sensation, "trace point").
The disturbance of the function of the pelvic organs. When the intensive radicular syndrome is known as sciatica, or a great Grajewo the protrusion may even be lost in the urine and the bowel, causing a sharp pain to the patient.
In the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, it often becomes a daunting task for the patient and the doctor. Each and every person who suffers from this disease, and I asked him: "How do explaining and talking points for the osteocondrose the waist?", "From that point, explaining, and talking about osteocondrose the lumbar spine?", "The treatment of degenerative disc disease for the lumbar spine in the home, it does not help that the doctor's go?", If you have pills and ointments, when the lumbar spine osteocondrose don't help - such as explaining and talking points?".
To deal with the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease, and give the proper treatment will help you with the following doctors: a therapist, a neurologist, a specialist in the care of the health of the massage, she was a physical therapist, a physical therapist, and, if necessary, in the treatment of surgical, medical and neurosurgical.
Ways of dealing with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
Important in the treatment of degenerative disc disease – is the right way to live your life. The people are so active and has been taken properly engaged in physical culture and in search of a spine, the back will never hurt! Unfortunately, there are only a few who hold to this simple truth.
In analyzing this issue, it may be pointed out:
- of the medication;
- drug-free.
Treatment: methods of treatment of diseases of the lumbar spine
Distraction procedure. The effect lies in the title itself - the use of a variety of applicators, a massage mat, and roll the wool schedule, "rice", and "rastirok", because of the impact on the surface in the nerves and the blood vessels plus reduce the muscle spasms and the pain that is caused. These methods can also be used as a tool, but it is isolated from its application to a worsening of the degenerative disease of the lumbar disc without the special treatment of the drug to be ineffective.
The tool is unusable. These tools include the wheels in various designs, putting in the that it helps to protect the spine with a sharp and "dangerous" moves, and then redistribute the static charge of the work. The tool is unusable and can be purchased at the stores of the medical supplies and drug stores, but before buying, it is advisable to seek the advice of a doctor, it will help you to determine the optimum condition of the design, the stiffness and the purchase of the right knee. Apply them only to the time of exposure to factors that are hard to travel and driving, sedentary work, and the t. d. d.), for long-term use causes Hipotrafiu body.
Kinesitherapy (therapy, exercise) is an integral component in the treatment of degenerative disc disease. The execution of the exercise, which aimed to keep the tone in skeletal muscles of the back and lift the muscles of the spasm of the muscle will help you to restore and maintain the training of the motor activity, a reduction in the intensity of the pain threshold of the disorder. A significant Advantage of the therapy, for the financial year in which, after the formation of the instructor, a man can be, every day, to do the exercises at home, but also on the existence of a complex, which is applicable even when the scale of the process. The most effective therapy for exercise-it's mexennoteestupro – classes in the simulations, individually developed a methodology, since the training, the muscular corset, it is necessary to work the weight off.
Massage – which has been known since the most ancient times, is the most common and perhaps the most-loved patients as a method of prevention and treatment, however, in the acute phase of the disease, degenerative disc disease of the lumbar disc may not be the case. In addition, to carry out the massage when you osteocondrose should only be a specialist, medical education, and well-versed in the anatomy and physiology of the inauguration of the technical of the massage therapy.
A chiropractic treatment and is gaining in popularity in the last few years, and it sees the body in the performance of a competent person, may have an important effect on cure or even a long period of time to get rid of an exacerbation of the disease. It is also important to remember that, to gain access to the chiropractor before you begin the procedures, the need to carry out a survey of your spine (x-ray, scans, or magnetic resonance imaging, osteodensitometry, in order to give the possibility to the physician to assess the prevalence and the severity of the procedure and the possible contra-indications to manipulation. Such as massage, chiropractic, and osteopathy has, for a number of indications and contra-indications to, for example, to express the compression of a nerve root of hernia, subluxation of the vertebrae. In the acute period of the disease, degenerative disc disease of the lumbar disc to use, generally, of the soft techniques of manual therapy (muscle relaxation, and t.-d.).
The etc. According to the results of recent research on the application of the folk, in the wider circles of the methodology, it is considered to be the evidence-based medicine is reasonable when osteocondrose of the lumbar spine, it is not euatRenaudeth of the symptoms of the disease, and it is related to the non-conventional methods of treatment.
Physical therapyis included in the national plan for clinical guidelines, and standards for the provision of medical care to the osteocondrose, a lot of it has proved to be effective in the treatment of this disease. When osteocondrose of the lumbar spine, are applied in Eleparatromiostemular, amplipuls-therapy of shock-the place for therapy, VNUtritparaeneWai miostKuala, LAZeroteestupro. The popular method of comprehensive treatment, it continues to be a magnet therapy. The advantages of this are a very good portability, and is a non-exhaustive list of indications and contra-indications to be able to apply in the acute period of the disease. Working on all of the links in the process of the disease, and she is already through various procedures, as it significantly reduces pain and allows the person to expand on the activity. In addition, the improvement in trofeparae damaged tissue it slows down the progression of the disease. The absolute advantage of this method is its capability to self-administered to the patient outside the health facility.
But, if all of the non-drug methods, that have been shown to be ineffective - that is, in the next, explaining and talking points for the lumbar spine osteocondrose?
Medical treatment
The disease involves the assignment of one of the following groups of drugs:
The Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDS) are available in the forms, such as the location (gels, ointments, creams, and for the implementation of the system, (pads, spark plugs, solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration). Its action is based on blocking the inflammatory process in the feRMentetenonnom level, and, therefore, eliminates the swelling of the affected area, and significantly reduces pain that is caused.
In the early stages of the disease, it may be sufficient for the local application of NSAIDS, in conjunction with the neleparaeRcomtnoennsme methods (therapy, because megnetnoteRepeeth). When expressed in its pathological process, and an intensive pain syndrome and the use of the tebleteronoennsm, and, sometimes, the injection forms of the drug.
However, a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of NSAIDS, in the course of the application could lead to the development and worsening of ulcerative-erosive processes in the gastro-intestinal, as well as the change in the function of the kidneys and the liver. As a result, patients long-term taking NSAIDS, they are also necessary for the drugs that protect the stomach lining, and regulating the control laboratory of the indicators of the functioning of the liver, and the kidneys.
In the system muscle relaxants, t. e. drugs, sompeIUYuuee a muscle spasm. The principle of its action is in the name: a rest from the muscle to help reduce the compression of the nerves, and the vessels, swelling in the injured area improves the blood circulation, and innervation – decreases the pain, by the reduction of the defencome the muscle shortens, the tension ligament the hood posbtemxepee (protRÚSSIA) IUWpponzponponpponhppongpon the disk – decreases pain, increases the amount of movement.
Muscle relaxants for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the spine, is released in the form of tablets and solution for intramuscular injection, in order to achieve the therapeutic effect of the take in, they have to be for long periods, gradually increasing the dose. Also, as the NSAID's, muscle relaxants have a lot of contraindications and may cause side effects, but would be available over the counter in greece, networking, before you buy it, you should consult with your doctor.
Local anesthetics or medications for local analgesia that is used for the medical treatment of degenerative disc disease in the form of the so-called peRenoeRtebRelünsx on the street, when a solution of the medication to be administered, first, by the subcutaneous route, and then cover the waterproof notrocomtparanono of the affected vertebra, the projection of an imagined compression of the nerve root.
They accumulate in the membranes of nerve fibers of the drug effectively blocks the point of the sign. A health care professional and, of course, to make this block you will not be able to do it, you will have to contact a neurologist or a nethroxeRtemRgtem.
Also, for the peRenoeRtebRelünnogno in the introduction, are sometimes used in solutions of glYuparanoparanoRteparanocomteroednono (GKS) - hormonal medication with a pronounced anti-inflammatory action. The location of your application allows us to maximize the impact and minimize the risk of the occurrence of the reported unwanted side effects from the drug. Such blocking is carried out in exchange for 2 or 3 times a year, and the neurologist or doctor and neurosurgeon.
The vitamins of group "A". On any pharmacy, you you you you you will be able to find a number of drugs of this group, as well as in the forms of oral and intramuscular administration. It is believed that they have a nethrotrofehecomparaem easy and analgetic action, however, a reliable support of the application, with the osteocondrose of the spine, the evidence-based medicine is not being received.
The field of physical therapy when osteocondrose the lumbar spine

Unfortunately, it is sometimes the course of treatment with application of modern medicines, physiotherapy, and massage therapy by year, and it turns out to be ineffective, he continues to experience pain persists, the limitation of the physical activity is, essentially, suffering and quality of life. This happens in the advanced stages of the disease, when they are formed in large, often multi-gRsWenose protrusions of the intervertebral discs. In such a case demonstrates the surgical treatment. In addition, operational interference is shown in the so-called "best education", in which a large comdenolenee the spinal canal is called neparatempeRtemYuueecomEu pain, comtetnodenemehecomparaee of the infringement, and the blocking of the functions of the bladder and the bowel. In these cases, surgery is performed on an emergency basis. The aim of the surgical procedures when you osteocondrose of the lumbar spine is a mechanical decompressing the spinal canal and nerve roots.
Currently, the surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease are to be applied as there is a lot of time well-known large operational and technical, and is given by the modern medical and endoscopic, minimally-invasive method for the treatment of the application of the laser, and radio frequency exposure, a portion of which may be carried out even under local nobezbnolenoeneem.
After a review of the main forms of treatment for degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, I would like to point out once more that the patient zedeYuuethcomEu to the question: "how to cure lower back osteocondrose?", you should rely on not only medical help, but in the strength of their own, and to understand the importance of a healthy life-style, you are welcome to the status is applied, correctly calculated the load on the physics engine, and, more importantly, it is the gift of faith in the victory over the disease.